Reconstruction of an industrial building in a transformer manufacturing plant

The project proposal is based on the idea of ​​the partners of EMTI ELECTRIC Ltd. for a fundamental change of the company's activity, namely the production of transformers. The decision is dictated by the constantly changing market demand and the production of economically profitable products, as well as by the experience of one of the partners - Nedyalko Glavanov, who has long worked in this field in Italy. The project proposal includes the completion of an industrial building ("EMTI ELECTRIC" Ltd. has a right to build) and its transformation into a transformer plant. The budget only reflects the amount needed for construction and assembly works, as it has the necessary machinery and equipment purchased with its own funds. The total value of the project amounts to BGN 1144586,21, and the construction and assembly works except the completion of the industrial building include the construction of outbuildings for the household part and the laboratory. Dry and oil transformers with outputs from 160 kVA to 1000 kVA will be produced. The capacity of the plant is 2109 transformers per year. After the completion of the project, 18 new sustainable jobs will be opened in Belene - an area where the unemployment rate is rising and the demographic problem is a serious challenge. The expected results after the end of the project are: - 18 new jobs created; - new production for the region, other than agriculture; - production of a product with high added value; - Enhanced competitiveness of the company.

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Status Contracted
Start date 09 Sep, 2020
End date 09 Sep, 2023
Contract date 09 Sep, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,045,756.72
Grant 385,066.00
Self finance 660,690.72
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
