This project is for building of "An industrial unit for the production of aluminum and PVC joinery in property 23491.8.292, locality the Red land, Village Dragushinovo, Municipality Samokov". The overall layout of the building (vision, architecture, height, situation) is in accordance with the requirements of the Technology and Contracting Authority. The subject of a technical project is: 1) Air-conditioned building for the production of aluminum and PVC joinery and 2) Landscaping in the property with ryegrass and low greenery. The project plans to separate the follow rooms: workspace, warehouse, compressor room, dressing rooms for the workers in the building, corridors, warehouse for finished products, sanitary premises, restroom, office part. The built-up area is 627m2, planting is 312,80m2. Additionally the project will include a purchase and installation of technological equipment. The building will be placed on property 23491.8.292, locality the Red land, Village Dragushinovo, Municipality Samokov. The candidate - the company "Brothers Shterevi" OOD is the owner of this estate. The property is appropriate for this activity. During the design of the building are complied the current standards and laws. The actual construction and installation of the technological equipment will also strictly comply the established regulations and the technological order. By the future working of the industrial unit will be followed Bulgarian and European laws as well as good produce practices.
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 04 Sep, 2020 |
End date | 04 Sep, 2023 |
Contract date | 04 Sep, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 522,686.79 |
Grant | 261,343.39 |
Self finance | 261,343.40 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |