Expanding the capacity and improving pthe roduction efficiency in Doganov EOOD

The present project is related to the purchase of technological equipment for a workshop producing chair details, located on the territory of the town of Samokov. The enterprise has a long experience in the field and established markets. Replacement of machines, obsolete, with newer, more modern and automated ones, is envisaged, which will ensure greater productivity and safe working conditions. According to the prepared technological project, the enterprise is expected to have all the necessary resources for the adequate and complete satisfaction of the planned activities for the production of chairs details. Optimal conditions for production, quality assurance and storage will be ensured, according to the technological parameters and the sequence of operations specified in the design documentation. The planned production activities in the company will be fully in line with the quality standards, hygiene, safety and environmental standards of the production process, which are currently in force in the country and in the EU. Therefore, the investor's expectations are that the current project will contribute to raising the economic performance, productivity and competitiveness of the chair details workshop. The undertaken activities will support the development and diversification of the economic situation in the area and will create new opportunities for alternative income insurance for the local population. The investment will undoubtedly have a high efficiency in terms of reducing unemployment and creating employment for residents of the municipality. The applicant plans to create 10 new jobs.

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Status Contracted
Start date 21 Sep, 2020
End date 21 Sep, 2022
Contract date 21 Sep, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 339,855.00
Grant 169,927.50
Self finance 169,927.50
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
