a plum farm

Emil is engaged in growing perennials - plums. The properties currently under construction by Emil are two on the territory of the town of Rila, town of Rila.  property №383-009 with a permanent use orchard with an area of ​​4,000 dka located in the "Gavrilova Kashta" area on the territory of the town of Rila with the EKATTE 62671 on the basis of a lease contract concluded on 18.02.2019, entered in the Registry Office Dupnitsa, with ent. Registry No.538 of 19.02.2019, Act No 66, Volume I, Case 331. On the used area of ​​4,000 decares permanent perennial plantations - Plum fruit plums (Plum) are planted. The second property that is being cultivated is property №022-071 with a way of permanent use orchard with an area of ​​6.000 decares located in the "Szejevo" locality in the territory of the town of Rila with ECATTE 62671 on the basis of a lease contract concluded on 18.02.2019 , entered in the Registry Office Dupnitsa, with ent. Registry No. 538 of 19.02.2019, Act No 66, Volume I, Case 331 On the 6,000 ha used area, perennial plantations are planted - Fruit Plums (Plum). The objective of applying for sub-measure 6.3 "Small Business Start-up Support" to the applicant is economic development and strengthening of the farm as a sustainable and viable unit, improving environmental protection and combating climate change. To achieve the objectives, the following actions will be taken by the farmer:  Completion of a course including basic training on environmental protection in the agricultural sector or participation in information activities on these issues for a minimum of 18 hours;  Improve the mechanization of the farm by purchasing the sprayer necessary for the operation of the farm.  Increase of the economic size of the holding with a minimum of EUR 2000 measured in Standard production volume. This will be achieved by hiring at least 3 decares of plums.  Completed 150 hours in the field of agriculture.

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Status Contracted
Start date 18 Mar, 2021
End date 18 Sep, 2025
Contract date 18 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 29,337.00
Grant 29,337.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
