Sustainable development of a small farm in the region of Pazardzhik

The farm will grow in the area of ​​dairy cattle and potato production. During the first business year the sheep will be sold out and the area with potatoes will be increased to a minimum of 4, 410 decares at the expense of the natural meadows. The total amount of arable land will not change. In the second marketing year, the number of cows will be increased with two more by purchase and their number will reach 7, which is the capacity of the breeding establishment. The calves will be sold until the age of 1, and some of them will be used for personal consumption. In the meantime, some of the adult dairy cows will be replaced with younger and more productive ones, subject to all veterinary requirements for purchase and sale. A light truck for the needs of the farm - transportation of agricultural produce - will also be purchased. Successful implementation of the production program and the set goals will require: Adherence to the breeding technology and ensuring proper and balanced nutrition for the animals, depending on their age, productivity and physiological condition. Compliance with the principles of prophylaxis and disinfection in order to prevent animal diseases. Compliance with the requirements of protection and welfare in their breeding and use. Ensuring optimal microclimatic parameters in the breeding premises. Apply for all farm support schemes. Achieving and complying with all applicable national and European legislation.

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Status Contracted
Start date 26 Mar, 2021
End date 26 Sep, 2025
Contract date 26 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 29,337.00
Grant 29,337.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

