The farm's location is in two districts. Razgrad, total. Kubrat, Belovets village and region Rousse, total. Rousse, Tetovo village. At the date of application on the farm are grown 125 pcs. bee families - biologically. The beekeeping farm has a centrifuge for extraction of honey bee - 4 frames, a bathtub for printing honey bees, empty bee hives and small beekeeping equipment (smokers, brushes, frames, feeders, strainer, etc.). The farm has premises for extraction and storage of honey and beekeeping equipment. It is envisaged that the economic size of the farm, measured in the SPO (at least 2000 EUR SPO) will be increased at the selected time of the check on the implementation of the business plan, will be carried out by increasing the number of bee families. For this purpose, the farmer will reproduce 35 new bee families through breeding activities - in the first two years (2020, 2021), also growing them organically. In order to improve the quality of production and compliance with food quality requirements, and to modernize the overall activity, beekeeping equipment will be purchased - an electric centrifuge, a steam wax-maker and a current generator (generator) that will supply the centrifuge (as apiary). in the village of Belovets is located in a wooded area and without access to electricity, the farmer intends to buy a power unit). The farm will grow only in the beekeeping sector and by the year for the second payment and by the end of the project will be grown 160 pcs. Bee families. The organic production contract with a certifying controlling company will be annexed by stages with the addition of new bee families.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 06 Apr, 2021 |
End date | 06 Oct, 2025 |
Contract date | 06 Apr, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 29,337.00 |
Grant | 29,337.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |