Small-scale farm development by increasing the number of bee families, creating an orchard and purchasing beekeeping equipment

It is envisaged to increase the economic size of the farm as measured in the SPO (at least by 2000 EUR SPO) at the selected moment of verification of the implementation of this business plan, to increase by increasing the area of ​​2.1 acres of the existing orchard - plums, such as a new plantation of 1.9 acres was created in the same property. The number of bee families will also increase. For the needs of the farm will be purchased equipment for apiary - centrifuge - 24 frame-electric, a bathtub for printing cakes and a steam wax-mill, which will fulfill the requirement of the application guidelines - to make at least one investment in FTA. The farm will grow in the crop and beekeeping sector and by the year for the second payment and by the end of the project will take care of the cultivation of 4.0 acres of permanent crops - plums and 115 pcs. Bee families . The farmer will continue to comply with the regulations on compliance with existing and newly introduced EU standards.

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Status Contracted
Start date 23 Mar, 2021
End date 23 Sep, 2025
Contract date 23 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 29,337.00
Grant 29,337.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
