Economic development and strengthening of a perennial agricultural holding

The candidate Anna Gabrovska - Kostadinova is a natural person, registered as an agricultural farmer in the Agricultural Directorate of Rousse under Ordinance No. 3 for establishing and maintaining a register of farmers. It has been active in agriculture since 2018, and its registration as a farmer under Ordinance 3 is in April 2019. The agricultural activity is fundamental to the applicant and is directed towards the cultivation of fruit crops. The farm development strategy foresees that the farmer continues to develop his current business, namely the cultivation of permanent crops. The farmer intends to set aside fallow land to create permanent plum crops of 2, 887 acres. The newly created perennials will be planted under a planting scheme - 5 to 4, 50 trees per acre, with the main variety "Stanley". They will be grown in a conventional manner. A sprayer will be purchased for the needs of the farm and in order to save money from the use of external services. The farmer will collect and maintain a regular and regular logbook of plant protection measures and fertilizers, use only authorized plant protection products and ensure proper storage of fertilizers and preparations on the holding. On the basis of the activities carried out in this way, until the submission of the application for the second payment, the BFSA will receive the necessary certificate that the agricultural holding and its activity meet the requirements of the Plant Protection Act. It will receive at least 18 hours of training on major environmental issues in agriculture.

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Status Contracted
Start date 06 Apr, 2021
End date 06 Oct, 2025
Contract date 06 Apr, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 29,337.00
Grant 29,337.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

