
The farm of Ekaterina Dimova Grunova is developing in the plant-growing direction - sector "Fruits and vegetables". The person manages 54,148 acres, occupied with 1,000 acres of stone fruit (peaches), 8,000 acres of stone fruit (plums), 2,800 acres of seed wax (pears) and 42,348 acres. The legal basis for the use of real estate is rent and lease contracts. The applicant plans to continue to develop in the same direction.

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Status Contracted
Start date 13 Apr, 2021
End date 13 Oct, 2025
Contract date 13 Apr, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 29,337.00
Grant 29,337.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
