Starting aid for the development of the small farm of Dimcho Georgiev with main activity sheep breeding - dairy

To restructure its farm, the applicant will increase the number of sheep by 34, through its own breeding activities. This will increase the competitiveness and viability of the farm. • Achieving Goal 1 - "Increasing the economic size of the farm, measured in SPO (minimum by 2000 EUR SPO)" the applicant plans to increase by 34 sheep, through its own breeding activities. • Achieving Goal 3 - “Passing a training course or seminar, including at least 8 lessons on a topic (s) entirely related to the prevention and / or overcoming of a complicated epizootic situation, including the improvement of biosecurity on the farm and at least 8 lessons on the main problems of environmental protection in agriculture. The candidate will take a course of 8 teaching hours to improve biosecurity on the farm in 2021. By receiving in 2020. of CP TP 2 under sub-measure 2.1.2 "Consulting services for small farmers" of Measure 2 of the RDP 2014-2020, will increase the knowledge of the farmer on the main problems of environmental protection in agriculture. • Achieving Goal 4 - "Investments in the purchase or construction of disinfection plants and equipment - in the amount of at least the BGN equivalent of 1,000 euros." The construction of a disinfection site in 2021. will lead to improved biosecurity on the farm. • Achieving Goal 10 - "Completed a course of 30 hours in the field of agriculture or a 30-hour course related to the main problems of environmental protection in agriculture or completed training of 30 hours in part of a profession of professional direction with code 621" Crop production and animal husbandry "or with code 3451203" Agriculture "or professional field with code 640" Veterinary medicine ". Through a completed course of 30 hours in the field of agriculture in 2022. the knowledge and skills of the farmer for sustainable agriculture will increase.

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Status Contracted
Start date 01 Feb, 2022
End date 01 Aug, 2027
Contract date 01 Feb, 2022
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 29,337.00
Grant 29,337.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 19,558.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
