To restructure its farm, the applicant will increase the number of sheep by 34, through its own breeding activities. This will increase the competitiveness and viability of the farm. • Achieving Goal 1 - "Increasing the economic size of the farm, measured in SPO (minimum by 2000 EUR SPO)" the applicant plans to increase by 34 sheep, through its own breeding activities. • Achieving Goal 3 - “Passing a training course or seminar, including at least 8 lessons on a topic (s) entirely related to the prevention and / or overcoming of a complicated epizootic situation, including the improvement of biosecurity on the farm and at least 8 lessons on the main problems of environmental protection in agriculture. The candidate will take a course of 8 teaching hours to improve biosecurity on the farm in 2021. By receiving in 2020. of CP TP 2 under sub-measure 2.1.2 "Consulting services for small farmers" of Measure 2 of the RDP 2014-2020, will increase the knowledge of the farmer on the main problems of environmental protection in agriculture. • Achieving Goal 4 - "Investments in the purchase or construction of disinfection plants and equipment - in the amount of at least the BGN equivalent of 1,000 euros." The construction of a disinfection site in 2021. will lead to improved biosecurity on the farm. • Achieving Goal 10 - "Completed a course of 30 hours in the field of agriculture or a 30-hour course related to the main problems of environmental protection in agriculture or completed training of 30 hours in part of a profession of professional direction with code 621" Crop production and animal husbandry "or with code 3451203" Agriculture "or professional field with code 640" Veterinary medicine ". Through a completed course of 30 hours in the field of agriculture in 2022. the knowledge and skills of the farmer for sustainable agriculture will increase.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 01 Feb, 2022 |
End date | 01 Aug, 2027 |
Contract date | 01 Feb, 2022 |
Financial information
Total cost | 29,337.00 |
Grant | 29,337.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 19,558.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |