The present project was developed on the basis of a change of an existing project under Art. 154 of the Territorial Development Act and the requirements of sub-measure 7.2. "Investments in the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure" from Measure 7 "Main services and rural renewal" of the RDF 2014-2020. The main project for this site was developed in 2016 and is divided into two stages for which a building permit has been issued. The current project covers the I-st stretch from km 0 + 182,23 to km 1 + 800,22 from "Evropa" Blvd. In the project approved by 2016, measures for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of sidewalks and lighting along the entire length of Europe Blvd (both stages of construction) have been developed. With the current amendment under Article 154 of the TDA, it is envisaged that the lighting in stage I should be completely dropped and the sidewalks were developed only in the section 1 + 609 to 1 + 705 km. This investment project has been developed in connection with the poor condition of the road surface and the road sections of Europe Blvd. The activities envisaged in the project will reduce maintenance costs and encourage people to live in small settlements by improving their quality of life. The support of the project proposal is aimed at improving the quality of life for all citizens and guests of the Municipality. Bul. Europe passes through a central city area and provides access to educational and health facilities, municipal offices in the city center. It is also the only connection with Republic Road III-638 Bojurishte - Breznik, as well as for the villages of Gurmazovo, Zlatusha and Pojarevo. The project proposal provides for repair works on "Evropa" Blvd with activities eligible by the funding body, detailed in the investment project and the CS to it. The total length of the track is 1,618 km or 19,728 m2 of street network and 517,41 m2 sidewalks.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 17 May, 2019 |
End date | 17 May, 2022 |
Contract date | 17 May, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,159,693.68 |
Grant | 1,159,693.68 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 525,287.76 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |