Purchase of technological equipment for a carpentry workshop LP 05462.41.34 on the cadastral map of the town ot Borino

The following project envisages purchase and installation of technological equipment for the processing of round and planed wooden materials in a woodworking enterprise, located in the territory of the town of Dospat. The workshop will have a capacity of 16.8 m3 of planed wooden materials and wood blanks per day. The main raw material for the production process will be logs - coniferous and broad-leaved timber with a maximum length of 5 meters. According to the elaborated technological project, the workshop is expected to have all the necessary resources for the adequate and full satisfaction of the planned activities for the production of all kinds of planed wooden materials, details and wood blanks. It is ecpected for the technological equipment to meet the growing market demands and lead to optimization of the process, increase productivity and reduce heavy labor. The planned production activities will be fully in line with the quality standards, hygiene, safety and environmental standards of the manufacturing process, which are currently in force in the country and in the EU. Therefore, the investor's expectations are that the current project will contribute to raising the economic performance, productivity and competitiveness of the woodworking site. The undertaken activities will support the development and diversification of the economic situation in the area and will create new opportunities for alternative income insurance for the local population. The investment will undoubtedly have a high efficiency when it comes to reducing unemployment and creating employment for residents of the municipality.

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Status Contracted
Start date 26 Jul, 2021
End date 26 Jul, 2023
Contract date 26 Jul, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 975,454.90
Grant 487,727.45
Self finance 487,727.45
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
