Prevention and limitation of the distribution of pest and diseases on the territory of Forest Protection Station - Varna

The aim of the project proposal is to prevent and limit the spread of pests and diseases in the territorial scope of FPS Varna with a total area of 1 109 734 ha. The object of the investment is the purchase of laboratory and other specialized equipment, as well as tools and technologies for carrying out specialized monitoring to prevent the occurrence of calamity, epiphytotic and control of the numbers of the pest populations. It is planned to purchase equipment that will be distributed to mobile and stationary laboratories. The mobile laboratory has the task of collecting the necessary samples for analysis according to the methodologies specified in the legislation. The implementation of the purchase of funds and technologies for specialized surveys will provide the necessary information on the extent and manner of expanding damage to forest vegetation as well as opportunities for testing different plant protection products in forests. With them, the experts at the station will carry out ongoing operational or special surveys as well as forest-pathological monitoring. On the basis of the data obtained, the trends in the development of individual pests will be established and the annual prognosis for disease, insect pest and other damage will be prepared. Expected results from the implementation of the project are: provision of modern means and material for ensuring the working process in the LVC Varna; providing more adequate and accurate information to diagnose the causes of dying tree and shrub vegetation, and hence the preparation of detailed prescriptions for the implementation of forest protection measures in forest areas; prevention of the occurrence of calamity, epiphytotic and control of the population of the pests. The annual and short-term forecasts will be much more accurate and detailed, which will provide adequate management solutions related to improving the health status of forests.

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Status Contracted
Start date 08 Jul, 2020
End date 08 Jul, 2023
Contract date 08 Jul, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 811,310.40
Grant 811,310.40
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
