The present project proposal aims at preventing or minimizing damage to forests from forest fires in the area of operation of the RFD-Berkovitsa by building an integrated system for early detection of fires. The integrated system for construction will consist of four automated observation stations (AOS) located in public forest territories, in the settlements of four municipalities from Montana District. Each AOS is a high-tech surveillance complex detecting, guarding, monitoring, analysis, communication and early notification of fires. The AOS operates in an integrated communication system and reports to a control center, situated in the building of RFD-Berkovitsa. The control center will be a complex of specialized hardware, software, visualization and telecommunication devices for realization of remote monitoring and control of the protected territory. Within the project are provided the following activities: 1. Preparation of the project proposal; 2. Design of an integrated system; 3. Construction and installation works for construction of 4 pcs. AOS; 4. Delivery, Installation of equipment, technologies, Communication and electrical equipment of 4 pcs.AOS; 5. Establishment, equipment and furnishing of the Control center; 6. Realization of engineering and construction supervision when building an integrated system; 7. Organization and management of the Project. As a result of the project will be created the last generation of high-tech system for early detection of forest fires in the RFD - Berkovitsa, which will cover 48 164 ha. The system will be integrated with a system of three towers on the territory of the Vratsa Balkan Nature Park and will cover a total area of 60 594 hectares, which is 24.15% of the territory of RFD. This will allow the prevention of fires in the most valuable forest ecosystems in the territory of six municipalities in northwest Bulgaria.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 30 Jun, 2020 |
End date | 30 Jun, 2023 |
Contract date | 30 Jun, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,308,843.45 |
Grant | 1,308,843.45 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |