Adding value to fisheries products by introduction of on board processing of own catches on fishery vessels.

The company "Lavrak" Ltd. was established in 2013 with general manager and sole owner of the capital Emil Kostov Milev. The main activity of the company is fishing of fish in the Black Sea aquatory. The company possesses two of its own fishing vessels, which are currently engaged in commercial fishing mainly on two types of fish - Red Mullet and Sprat. Under current project, the applicant intends to implement on the board of fishery vessels a number of treatments related to the immediate processing of the fish caught and its subsequent marketing. The foreseen investments implemented fall entirely within the scope of eligible activity 1.1 "Adding value to fisheries products, in particular by allowing fishermen to process their own catches." In addition, the company also applies for the purchase of a specialized transport vehicle to transport its products to final customers. The main need that will be met with the implementation of this project is to add value to the own catches of "Lavrak" Ltd. by purchasing and installing equipment for sorting, storing, shock-cooling and preparing the catches directly on board of the fishing vessels. The investments in the project essentially represent the implementation of a comprehensive catch processing system. With the implementation of the project proposal "Lavrak" EOOD will fulfill the main objectives of the measure related to increase of the added value or the quality of the caught fish, which will lead to the expected result related to the improvement of the competitiveness and viability of the coastal fleet. A concrete measure of the achieved results of the project implementation can be found in the two main indicators under measure 1.7 change in the value of output and change in net profit. In conclusion, the catches processed after the investment will satisfy the requirements of the target groups of customers through the increased quality of the fishery products.

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Status Contracted
Start date 13 Nov, 2018
End date 13 Nov, 2019
Contract date 13 Nov, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 393,618.75
Grant 196,809.37
Self finance 196,809.38
Total paid 193,687.50
EU participation percent 75.0%
