"BANIKO-2015" Ltd. is a micro enterprise founded in 2018. Its main activity is "the breeding and cultivation of aquaculture ..." Since its establishment till now, the applicant has been carrying out activities for the preparation of its project proposal for construction of a full-scale fish farm, located on the territory of the village of Gorna Breznitsa, fed by water from the Ravna River for the production and reproduction of cold-water species of freshwater aquaculture. During the preparation of the project proposal the two managers of the company acquire the necessary qualification in the field of aquaculture activity. With the implementation of this project, the company will satisfy the needs of consumers in the country and abroad for supply of fresh fish of the type of rainbow trout.The main result of the implementation of the project proposal will be expressed in securing the average annual production of about 80 tons of fish consumed after the second forecast year of the business plan. In addition, the company will carry out investment activities in the reproductive and production process to ensure the production of fry material for rainbow trout for own use (1.25 t) and for sale (7.5 t). The main activities of the project proposal consist of: 1) construction works for the construction of concrete basins, a fishing-house, administrative-service building, a fodder warehouse and equipment and a premises for primary preparation for fish and other construction works 2) Purchase of specialized equipment for the cultivation of fish breeder, photo-voltaic system, transport vehicle and work clothes. With the implementation of the project, VANICO-2015 Ltd. will significantly improve the competitiveness and economic viability of the aquaculture sector and will contribute to the fulfillment of the goals set in the Multi-annual National Strategic Plan for Aquaculture in Bulgaria 2014-2020.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 28 Nov, 2019 |
End date | 28 May, 2021 |
Contract date | 28 Nov, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,309,629.99 |
Grant | 654,814.99 |
Self finance | 654,815.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 75.0% |