Safe Rila

The main objective of the project "Safe Rila" is to ensure safety during the winter season through purchase of a snowmobile, a trailer and an additional brake, in order to ensure all prerequisites for timely search, detection, first aid and rescue of local residents and tourists, who may suffer accidents in Rila Mountain on the territory of the municipality of Samokov. The users of the rescue service fall into the group of the most vulnerable people, who are helpless and whose lives are very often in immediate danger. The implementation of the project will support the Mountain Rescue Service (MRS) at the Bulgarian Red Cross - the only organization in the entire territory of the Republic of Bulgaria rendering assistance to victims of accidents in the mountains, by enabling it to reach on time the people in need and save their lives, while at the same time preventing eventual long-term damage to their health. Undoubtedly, the promotion of the territory of Samokov municipality as a region offering a high degree of safety for winter tourism /or generally during the winter period of the year/, will be a successful opportunity to promote the region to new markets and by methods, which are currently new and innovative. The objectives of the project will be achieved through the implementation of the following activities: 1. Purchase of fixed assets to ensure the safety of residents and guests of the municipality of Samokov in the region of Rila Mountain and 2. Ensuring publicity and visualization As a result, ensuring the additional safety for the residents of Samokov municipality and the guests of the mountain will undoubtedly lead to encouragement of their desire to visit and become familiarized with the features of the territory of the municipality and the mountain region, which is part of it, thus directly contributing to the preservation, development and promotion of the territory and of the local cultural identity.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 07 May, 2021
End date 07 Sep, 2021
Contract date 07 May, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 46,449.00
Grant 46,449.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

