Construction of "Kalotina-Sofia" Motorway - Lot 1 "Western arc of Sofia Ring Road (SRR)" , phase 2

“Kalotina-Sofia” MW, lot 1 “Western Arc of Sofia Ring Road (SRR)” covers the existing route of SRR and provides for reconstruction of road section from the link with Lyulin Motorway to the link with North Speed Tangent (NST). According to the feasibility studies this section comprises the following route: - Section 1 - from km 59+400 (r.j. Lyulin Motorway) to km 61+629 (=0+000 – r.j. Slivnitsa) and from km 0+000 to km 0+780. The implementation of section 1 is financed under OPT 2007-2013 and is under implementation, and - Section 2 - from km 0+780 (Kakach river) to km 6+308 (the link with NST). The implementation of the project is divided into two phases – Phase 1 (financed under OPT 2007-2013) includes Construction of section 1 and Part of section 2-partial implementation of the left road lane of the bridge from km 1+290,46 to km 1+634,46 and construction of 678 m right road lane of the road sections from km 4+430 to km 4+900 and from km 6+100 to km 6+308.17 up to layer of incompact asphalt-concrete. Phase 2 for financing under OPTTI 2014-2020 includes the rest part of section 2 with total length of 4506 m of entire gouge, 344 m right road lane from km 1+290.46 to km 1+634.46 and 678 m left road lane from km 4+430 to km 4+900 and from km 6+100 to km 6+308.17. The new construction covers mainly the rest part of right road lane of Road junction Stefanson Boulevard at km 1+320; Road junction Lomsko Shose Boulevard at km 3+180; Road junction North Speed Tangent (NST) and “Kalotina-Kapitan Andreevo” Direction; Cross connection for Voluyak Rail Station at km 1+620; Cross connection for Village of Mramor at km 4+000; Crossings of railway lines at km 1+380 and at km 1+560; Currently the route of the western part of the SRR is 10,50 m wide, and after the widening the route of the western part of the ring road is expected to become in total 26,50 m wide, with 3 active traffic lanes, dividing strip of 3,00 m, and shoulders of 1.25 m for both directions.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 04 Nov, 2015
End date 30 Jun, 2021
Contract date 11 Aug, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 115,671,717.60
Grant 115,408,769.04
Self finance 262,948.56
Total paid 91,869,433.70
EU participation percent 85.0%
