Preparation and implementation of a project for development of water and wastewater infrastrucutre in agglomeration resort "Golden Sands", Municipality of Varna

Implementation of the current project will ensure achieving the objectives of project DIR-51011119-18-37 “Preparation and implementation of a project for development of water and wastewater infrastructure in agglomeration resort Golden Sands, Municipality of Varna” under OP “Environment” 2007-2013. As a result of the implementation of the provisions of Annex for the first phase of the second stage of the project, complete project readiness for implementation of the investment project has been achieved. The current project proposal includes two sites: 1. Reconstruction and modernization of WWTP-Golden Sands. Scheduled for future load of 72 122 PE in summer months and 18 000 PE in winter. The area served by the treatment plant is of considerable size including SF Alen Mak, AR Chaika, Riviera HC, AR Golden Sands”. The project in the framework of procedure BG161M10P002-1.005 provides for the WWTP to secure better water treatment – removal of nutrients – nitrogen and phosphorus from the agglomeration waste waters. Therefore the technological plan of WWTP for the water route includes: coarse grates, entry WTP, mechanical treatment in a combined facility, biological treatment in SB-reactors, UV disinfection. Along the sludge route, construction is planned for an anaerobic stabilizer with compaction, mechanical dewatering by centrifuge and postvacuum treatment of cake. 2. Partial construction, reconstruction/rehabilitation of the sewerage network in SF Alen Mak. It is in proximity to AR Chaika” and this determines its active utilization of villas and resort purposes with holiday homes. The current total constructed sewerage system spans about 20 per cent of the territory. The project envisages the construction of four major gravity sewerage branches with a total length of 4795 meters and of 265 building pipes. Branches are discharged into the existing upper sewerage collector Chaika, passing through the territory of and discharging into WWTP – Golden Sands.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 26 Jul, 2016
End date 30 Jun, 2024
Contract date 26 Jul, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 37,150,155.07
Grant 28,658,890.06
Self finance 8,491,265.01
Total paid 25,451,694.20
EU participation percent 85.0%
