"Wastewater treatment plant of town Aytos"

The preparation of project "Wastewater treatment plant of town Aytos" started back in 2011 with the financial support of the EU with implementation of a project funded by contract grant (DBFP) №DIR-51011119-1-13 of priority axis 1 of OPE 2007-2013 on procedure reference №BG161PO005 / 10 / 1.11 / 03/19. Needs to be met by the project are in accordance with the planned contribution of the OPE 2014-2020, through actions for the implementation of macro-regional strategies and sea basin strategies in the region. The project will contribute to the implementation of macro-regional EU strategy for the Danube region. With the implementation of the project activities will contribute to achieving one of the main priorities of the Danube Strategy, namely: 4) Restoration and preservation of water quality, set the target for "Environmental Protection in the Danube region." With the implementation of the project will achieve the main objectives set in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and its daughter directives and Directive 91/271 / EEC on the treatment of wastewater from settlements and Directive 98/83 / EC on water quality intended for human consumption. Achieving these objectives will fully capture the primary target group, namely the population of the municipality Aytos, they will contribute to improving their quality of life. The main activities to be implemented under the project are: 1) construction of WWTP of town Aytos 2) Construction of connecting and inlet manifold and supporting infrastructure to the WWTP and connecting existing major collectors. The main results of the project are to achieve connectivity of the existing sewerage system serving the population WWTP by which to achieve wastewater treatment.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 21 Jan, 2017
End date 01 Dec, 2020
Contract date 21 Jan, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 18,262,282.82
Grant 13,545,140.04
Self finance 4,717,142.78
Total paid 12,694,358.24
EU participation percent 85.0%
