"Design and construction of additional infrastructure (installation of pre-treatment of waste and composting plant for separately collected biodegradable and / or green waste) for development of regional system of waste management region of Troyan, including Troyan and Apriltsi Municipalities".

The project proposal to receive grants under the procedure BG16M1OR002-2.002 „Combined procedure for the design and construction of composting installations and of installations for pre-treatment of waste“ under Priority axis 2 of Operational Program „Environment 2014-2020“. It is aimed at taking measures to improve waste management in accordance with the national plan for waste management. A composting installation for separately collected green waste with a capacity of 2200 t/y will be built; The necessary equipment, equipment and equipment for separate collection of green waste (110 containers, 2 special vehicles for green waste collection, mobile shredder with telescopic loader and mobile sieve) will be provided; An installation for pre-treatment of mixed municipal waste will be constructed with a capacity of 6300 t/y; The necessary accompanying infrastructure to the site will also be built (a street with a width of 10 m with a length of about 100 m; a sewerage u 300 with a length of about 300 m; a water pipe u 110 with a length of about 4 m).

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 20 Dec, 2017
End date 16 Oct, 2021
Contract date 20 Dec, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 6,200,343.30
Grant 4,595,576.97
Self finance 1,604,766.33
Total paid 3,172,604.16
EU participation percent 85.0%
