Design and construction of an installation for composting biodegradable waste and an installation for pre-treatment of household waste in municipality Petrich

The overall goal of the Project is to reduce the quantity of disposed waste and increase the share of recycled and recovered waste in municipality Petrich which forms a separate waste management region. The project includes construction of a composting installation with capacity 4150 t/y and an installation for pre-treatment of household waste with capacity 10 841 t/y, and the needed site infrastructure, as well as the needed equipment for their operation. The two installations will be located at the regional landfield Petrich. The project investments will contribute also to improving resource efficiency as the infrastructure built under the project will turn the waste into useful products - the composting installation will produce quality compost, and the installation for pre-treatment of household waste will separate the useful components for recycling them. Within the project period, municipality Petrich will introduce a system of separate collection of green waste, that will include separate collection of waste from households in Petrich and villages Parvomay, Marikostinovo, Mihnevo and Karnalovo and separate collection of green waste from public spaces in all settlements in the municipality. For this purpose, 60 bins of 1.1 m3 for the separate collection from households and two trucks for transportation of separate collected green waste on the territory of the municipality to the composting installation will be purchased under the project. The social and economic effects of the project consist in improved quality of the environment by reducing hazardous emissions related to waste disposal; provision of quality compost, creation of new jobs for the operation of the infrastructure built under the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 29 Nov, 2017
End date 31 Mar, 2021
Contract date 29 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 10,112,622.95
Grant 7,015,523.55
Self finance 3,097,099.40
Total paid 6,324,655.97
EU participation percent 85.0%
