Construction of a Composting Installation for Separately Collected Green and/or Biodegradable Waste

The project for the construction of a composting installation on the territory of Plovdiv Municipality envisages the construction of the basic infrastructure in the plot with ID 56784.504.254, North area - private municipal property. The zone in which the investment plan will be implemented according to the General Development Plan is a high-tech production zone. The capacity of the installation is 15 000 tonnes, only for plant waste. The composting technology is open composting of clusters covered with semipermeable membrane. Mobile equipment is provided to ensure the continuity of processes in order to obtain a product - compost. A shredder for plant waste shredding, a rotary shovel, a tractor with a trailer, a mini loader, a front loader, a compost sieving screen, a membrane and laboratory equipment are planned. Composting site activities will be carried out in a non-polluting environment manner. The investment plan covers both basic infrastructure and the construction of an accompanying infrastructure - water supply - 447 m, sewerage - 79 m, electrical connection according to a preliminary contract with EVN Bulgaria power distribution and an access road with a length of approximately 380 m. To ensure the amount of plant waste planned for composting, the Municipality will provide separate collection of all green waste from maintenance of parks and gardens, street landscaping, separate collection from schools and kindergartens, funeral parks and two neighborhoods with one- and two-family houses with yards .The Municipality of Plovdiv has the necessary equipment for ensuring the transport of the separately collected waste.To ensure plant waste without impurities according to the Regulation for separate collection of bio waste treatment and treatment of biodegradable waste Plovdiv Municipality has developed a reliable mechanism for preliminary, ongoing and follow-up control. Composting technology ensures the production of a product - compost.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 04 Jun, 2018
End date 04 Jun, 2021
Contract date 21 May, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 9,023,913.84
Grant 6,070,538.46
Self finance 2,953,375.38
Total paid 5,086,639.39
EU participation percent 85.0%
