Design and construction of installation for cogeneration in Sofia with recovery of RDF – third phase of the integrated system for municipal waste management of Sofia municipality

The project is third phase of the integrated system of Sofia Municipality (SM) and includes building a modern facility for utilization of RDF-fuel, produced in the Plant for MBT of Sofia Municipality (2nd phase), and production of thermal and electric energy. The electric energy produced will be supplied to the national grid, and the thermal energy to the heating network on the territory of Sofia Municipality (SM). The installation is a solution of the type "waste to energy" and has the following preconditions: Amount of RDF for recovery: 180 000 t/year; General availability of the installation: 8 000 h/year; Calorific value of RDF: Nominal -13GJ/t, diversion between 10GJ/16GJ and 16GJ/t. The project consists of the following basic systems: • Bunker for storing RDF; • Furnace (combustion technology using moving grates with a capacity of 22,5 t/h at 13MJ/kg); • Boiler ( horizontal steam boiler with parameters: 100 t/h, 60 bars, 425°C); • Flue gas treatment (reactor, filter bag/sleeve, flue gas condenser; • Chimney - wet one, 80 metre high; • Turbine/generator (for electricity production, gross 21MWe); • Heat production with a capacity of 55MWt; • Heat accumulator, storage capacity 230 MWh; • auxiliary equipment (cooling system, UPS, cranes, etc.). The installation will be located on the site, property of "Toplofikatsia" Sofia EAD (JSC), with a total construction area of 19 000 m2. Within the set out site will be located the main production-administrative building, reception department, modified fuel bunker, storage for bottom ash, fuel tanks for diesel-generator and ammonia water, heat accumulator, electronic scales and transportation area. There will be an appropriate control and monitoring of pollution of soil, air and water provided for to the Installation.


Проектът за изграждане на инсинератор е 100% незаконен. Изключително брутално са погазени множество действащи правни норми. Загубата от неговата реализация ще бъде не по-малка от 14 млрд. лв., без да броим в това число тежкото замърсяване на въздуха за 30 години. Изготвени са и са използвани множество документи с невярно съдържание, пращана е невярна информация към европейски институции. Всички сигнали за нередности, подадени в прокуратурата, потъват - или се изхвърлят в кошчето с абсурдни мотиви или престояват на трупчета. Единствената причина, да не е потърсена отговорност на множество държавни чиновници, са действията на Валентина Маджарова и Иван Гешев. Но и на това ще дойде краят. Те няма да стоят вечно на техните постове.

21 Sep, 2021

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 30 Nov, 2018
End date 30 Apr, 2024
Contract date 30 Nov, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 369,741,082.16
Grant 177,629,778.24
Self finance 192,111,303.92
Total paid 71,502,604.52
EU participation percent 85.0%
