Introduction of wide-range waste prevention initiative through promoting extension of products life cycle – Repair Cafe

The project proposal envisages the practical implementation, testing, evaluation and dissemination of wide-range waste prevention initiative through promoting extension of products’ life cycle – Repair Café. It involves mobilizing people who carry out damaed items and reapir them by themselves with the support of specialists with aim to prevent single use practices. Coffee and croissants are also provided among the repairs. The demonstration project will be implemented on the territory of city of Stara Zagora. The main objectives are: 1. Raising public awareness for compliance with waste hierarchy and key importance of extending the life cycle of products. 2. Promoting the repair as practice for waste prevention. 3. Reduction of the amount of municipal waste generated in the city of Stara Zagora with 1 t. The following main activities are envisaged within the demonstration project: 1. Preliminary study on the potential for prolongation of products’ life cycle; 2. Development of a concept for organization and conducting of Repair Café campaigns; 3. Organization and conducting of Repair Café campaigns; 4. Analysis on the intermediate results with aim for improving the Repair Café’s success. The expected results are: 1. Conducted study on the potential for extending the products’ life cycle; 2. Developed concept for organization and conducting of Repair Café campaigns; 3. Introduced Repair Café in Bulgaria, city of Stara Zagora; 4. Conducted 6 campaigns for promoting repair activities. Target groups: municipalities within the territory of Republic of Bulgaria.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 08 Sep, 2020
End date 08 Aug, 2022
Contract date 24 Aug, 2020
View in UMIS



Financial information

Total cost 383,000.00
Grant 383,000.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 38,300.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

