From Composting to Zero Waste - Introducing Good Practices for Preventing the Generation of Municipal Waste through Training for Composting and Creating a Public Environmental Center" of Elena Municipality

The project aims to prevent the generation of biodegradable waste in the community (guest houses from the tourism sector; city park and stadium, schools) and households. The project envisages the following tasks’implementation in the municipality of Elena, in accordance with the implementation of the studied good practice in the city of Chambéry, France: Activity 1. Preparation of the project Activity 2. Implementation of a demonstration project Activity 3. Campaigns to promote project results Activity 4. Project organization and management Activity 5. Information and communication The activities of the project are in line with the objectives set out in Art. 31, para. 1 of LMW and Objective 1 to reduce the harmful effects of waste by preventing their generation and promoting their re-use of a National Waste Prevention Program. The expected results from the implementation of the demonstration project are: Reduction of the amount of biodegradable waste (BW) by 9.87% compared to the total amount of BW for 2018 in the municipality of Elena (by 3.92% compared to the total amount of solid municipal waste for 2018 or 120.16 t. ) in the year after completion of the project by preventing their generation and composting. The target groups of the project include a total of 1386 persons, such us: 426 children from 7 to 13 years old in interactive activities at the Public Environmental Center; 240 households with composters; c) 25 master composters and 240 household representatives trained; 10 guest houses with composters; 12 schools with 20 composters with a total of 1031 children; 20 teachers; in surveys and monitoring: 100 households, 12 schools and 10 guest houses.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 16 Feb, 2022
End date 16 Jan, 2024
Contract date 16 Feb, 2022
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 391,080.03
Grant 383,464.59
Self finance 7,615.44
Total paid 38,346.46
EU participation percent 85.0%
