Demonstration project "Introduction of a pilot system for separate collection and recycling of biodegradable and green waste"

The project aims at reducing the amount of landfilled waste by preventing its generation, separate collection and raising public awareness for adhering to the waste management hierarchy and reducing the amount of landfilled municipal waste by composting the green and biodegradable fraction. The expected effect of the project implementation is the prevention of waste generation, which has the highest priority in the waste hierarchy, and in particular the prevention of the generation of municipal biodegradable and green waste, by conducting information and awareness campaigns, promoting home composting, as well as recycling by constructing an outdoor composting system without forced aeration. The project has a direct contribution to the implementation of OPE 2014-2020 Specific Objective 1 of Waste Axis 2.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 21 Feb, 2022
End date 21 Jan, 2024
Contract date 21 Feb, 2022
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 391,166.00
Grant 391,166.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 39,000.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

