IoT Smart Waste Management

The project plans to demonstrate the "Pay-as-you-throw" model, based on the measured quantity of generated waste from households. The demonstration is based on one of the most successful and recommended at EU level best practices applied in the province of Treviso, region Veneto, Italy, in the course of 20 years and multiplied in other towns in Europe. The early adoption of the system and the availability of a long-term data on waste management performance makes the province of Treviso an excellent case study and benchmark. An additional method has also been selected, used in district of Darmstadt-Dieburg, Germany, and applicable to residential areas with multi-family buildings. The demonstration will be performed at a small scale on the territory of the municipality of Gabrovo and envisages installing of state-of-the-art equipment that enables determining the quantities of waste generated by the households included in the project (200 in number) and carrying out comparative control measurements in the course of one year. The results of these measurements will be analysed and made available to support the process of actually introducing municipal waste fees based on the quantity of generated waste. The dissemination of results to the other municipalities on the territory of Bulgaria, will have high value added, in the context of the forthcoming introduction of the "Polluter pays" principle in the Municipal Waste sector, according to the applicable national legislation.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 16 Feb, 2022
End date 16 Jan, 2024
Contract date 16 Feb, 2022
View in UMIS



Financial information

Total cost 391,060.00
Grant 383,450.40
Self finance 7,609.60
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
