Closure and reclamation of a municipal landfill on the territory of Elena Municipality.

The present project proposal relates to the reclamation of a municipal landfill for non-hazardous municipal waste within a land plot of 27190.108.98, with an area of ​​23 488 m2, which is located 450 m northwest of the construction boundaries of Elena Municipality. The realization of the object of the project has the main task to achieve the restoration of the environmental components affected by the long-term operation of the landfill after its reclamation; economic, environmental and social aspects of environmental restoration; monitoring of environmental components within the landfill range. The main activity related to the technical reclamation of the landfill will be accompanied by the activity of biological land reclamation in the duration of the project - 5 years from the final payment under the project. The key activities in the project that will contribute most to the achievement of the main objective include the execution of construction works necessary for the closure and re cultivation of the landfill, construction and auto-supervision, preparation of procurement documents, organization and project management and project information and communication activities. The main target group within the project includes the population within the territory of the country within the municipality of Elena. The main results of the project will be the technical reclamation of the municipal landfill of the municipality of Elena, the subsequent biological reclamation of the landfill, the contribution to reducing the adverse impact by limiting the emissions from the landfill body, the removal and treatment of the polluted water and use of the land as a green area.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 May, 2020
End date 06 Apr, 2022
Contract date 21 Apr, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,578,611.60
Grant 1,578,611.60
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 273,525.60
EU participation percent 85.0%
