Improving the conservation status of Natura 2000 species and habitats in the territory of Nature park "Vrachanski Balkan".

The project is targeted at improving the conservation status of plants and animals species and natural habitat types, protected in the territory of “ Vrachanksi Balkan” Nature Park, which falls within the following protected zones (Natura 2000): Protected zone BG0002053 "Vrachanski Balkan" for the conservation of wild birds; Protected zone BG0000166 "Vrachanski Balkan" for the conservation of natural habitats. 4 activities related to direct conservation measures for species and habitats are foreseen.The envisaged actions will upgrade previous implemented projects for support of populations of vulture species-Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus), Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) and Rock partridge (Alectoris graeca graeca).The planned activities for the vulture species are: repair of aviary and feeding site, conduction of relevant studies, building of a new feeding site, supply of necessary equipment and providing of feeding. For the Rock partridge will be renovated the old and built an additional infrastructure and ensured breeding of the birds through semi-free method. As a result, a comprehensive innovative methodology and technology for breeding and displacement of birds will be developed and at least 100 birds per year will be displaced.The status of eutrophic lakes and protection of two species of tritons-Northern crested newt (Triturus cristatus) and Southern crested newt (Triturus karelinii) will be improved by different measures. The habitat will be cleaned and fenced, troughs for watering of the animals will be built and 15 old fountains will be restored. In other activity, routes passing through natural habitats (endangered by the tourist) will be protected; information boards will be placed and secured 150 ladders and 2 km of power lines of the most dangerous places for birds.The project envisages activities for the organization, management and publicity. As an overall result, the conservation status of 7 species and 8 habitats will be improved.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 30 Oct, 2018
End date 30 Mar, 2023
Contract date 15 Oct, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 860,132.80
Grant 859,532.80
Self finance 600.00
Total paid 505,172.66
EU participation percent 85.0%
