Shared vision for Natura 2000 in region Stara Zagora

The project implements measures 15 and 33 of the National Priority Action Framework for Natura 2000. It involves work with stakeholders in the region of Stara Zagora identified on the basis of preliminary analysis, i.e. agricultural producers and representatives of the tourist sector and competent structures in municipalities in Stara Zagora District. It is planned to carry out an information campaign that will present the opportunities resulting from the existing Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation on the territory of Stara Zagora District. The most appropriate communication channels will be used, based on the National Information and Communication Strategy for the network Natura 2000, i.e. "face-to-face" contact and field visits. The project will trigger a process of change of population attitude of the network Natura 2000 and its perception as an opportunity, and not as a restriction to people. Ultimately, this will lead to establishing of a shared vision on the environmental network Natura 2000 and support to achieving a better degree of conservation of species and habitats subject of protection. The project will contribute to the implementation of measures from Action Plans for Special Protection Areas, more specifically related to best agricultural practices, sustainable tourism and work with stakeholders, including: - Management Plan for Special Protection Area BG0002052 "Zhrebchevo Dam", approved by Order Nr. RD-785/ 27 Nov 2015 of the minister of environment and water (SG Nr. 96/ 9 Dec 2015); - Management Plan for Special Protection Area BG0002023 "Ovcharitsa Dam", approved by Order Nr. RD-223/ 22 April 2016 of the minister of environment and water (SG Nr. 37/ 17 May 2016). Synergy will be achieved with procedure BG16MOP002-3.016 "Measures to improve the nature conservation state of birds" under which the eligible activities also include information awareness measures.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 28 Jul, 2020
End date 28 Jan, 2022
Contract date 28 Jul, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 71,400.00
Grant 71,400.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 14,280.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


Stara Zagora (BG344)