Preparation of the Action Plan for the Rock partridge (Alectoris graeca graeca, Meisner)

The aim of this project is to develop an Action Plan for the species of rock partridge (Alectoris graeca graeca, Meisner, 1804). According to the Red Data Book of Bulgaria, the population in the country is unique worldwide because of the presence of a hybrid zone with Al. chukar. In Bulgaria the species status is EN, endangered [A-1-c] Biological Diversity Act -II; Internationally: it is included in Annex II to the Wild Birds Directive. In the past, the spring stock was about 20,000 birds. There are now uncertain data for the population in Bulgaria (between 600 and 3000 breeding pairs). In general, the population is dwindling. A detailed analysis was prepared during the preparation of the project. It shows that there are no data on the current state of the population of the species in the country. According to the Declaration of Protected Areas (PA) for birds, the species is listed as a protected species in 25 PA, with a total area of 1 117 464.31 ha. This delineates a fairly wide range of distribution, but field studies are necessary to validate the data. They will be commissioned and executed by an external contractor on the basis of an adapted methodology in all areas. The results will be verified by the beneficiary and will be the basis for the development of the Plan. A research of publications about the species will be carried out, as well as collecting species information through national surveys. All survey data will be used to develop the first version of the Plan, in compliance with the Terms of Reference and regulations. The plan will be presented to stakeholders and for public consultation and after appropriate adjustments will be submitted to the MoEW and NCBD for approval. Project organization, management and publicity activities are envisaged. The implementation of the project will use the large capacity of the beneficiary, which through its local structures manages 2/3 of the hunting area of the country and has more than 100 000 members.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 05 Aug, 2020
End date 05 Sep, 2023
Contract date 05 Aug, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 300,000.00
Grant 300,000.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

