Implementation of measures from the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in the Republic of Bulgaria

The project includes activities aimed at improving the conservation status of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) based on the Action Plan for Conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Bulgaria 2014-2022, approved by Order RD-371 / 17.04.2013 of the minister of environment and water. The activities comply with Annex 1 "Species Action Plans and Eligible Measures" to the application guidelines to Procedure BG16M1OP002-3.016 "Measures to Improve the Conservation Status of Birds - 2" and covers the following measures: 4.1. To improve the conditions for the saker falcon (through artificial nests) in historical nesting areas and breeding spots of the species 4.5. To improve the feeding basis of the species in the areas around established nests, through activities to improve the number of semi-wild pigeons in some of the settlements or undertake feeding 4.7. To safeguard the sections of risky power lines part of the 20 kV network within a 5 km range around the occupied nests. 5.15. To assess the risk of electrocution and death of saker falcons as a result of the power transmission and distribution network equipment in the species nesting areas. The project is expected to improve the conservation status of the saker falcon (Falco cherrug) protected by NATURA 2000. The activities will be implemented on the territory of Bulgaria, i.e .: - In special protection areas within NATURA 2000 (SPAs): BG0000270 Atanaskovsko lake, BG0002048 Suha reka, BG0002050 Durankulashko lake, BG0002061 Balchik, BG0002082 Batova (measures 4.1 and 4.5) - In SPAs where the species is subject to protection (measure 5.15) - In SPAs where the species is subject to protection, prioritized in the study under measure 5.15 (measure 4.7).

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 08 Jan, 2021
End date 08 Jun, 2023
Contract date 08 Jan, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 346,367.34
Grant 346,367.34
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 34,636.73
EU participation percent 85.0%

