Improving the quality of the atmospheric air in the municipality of Gorna Oryahovitsa by replacing solid fuel heating devices with alternative forms of heating

The implementation of the project proposal will contribute to the improvement of the air quality in the municipality of Gorna Oryahovitsa, by reducing the excessive levels of fine dust particles (PM10) from domestic heating, as one of the main sources of air pollution. The specific goal of the project is to replace the heating appliances with solid fuels (wood and coal) used by the population with alternative forms of heating. The project is two-stage. During the first stage, all preparatory activities necessary for the implementation of the investment will be performed. A survey will be conducted of the attitudes among the residents who heat with solid fuel to replace the heating appliances they use. A training campaign will be conducted among the population on the possibilities for replacement of solid fuel heating devices, explaining the possible alternative forms of heating and the conditions for inclusion of those interested in the replacement scheme. Analyzes, criteria and mechanisms for prioritization of households by neighborhoods will be prepared when applying alternatives with a view to contributing to the reduction of PM10 emissions. On-site visits to sites/households will examine the actual technical parameters with a view to replacing the devices. The first stage will end with the preparation of a comprehensive vision for the approach that the municipality will apply to the replacement of solid fuel heating devices. During the second stage, a procedure for selection of a contractor will be carried out and the used heating devices will be dismantled and the new heating appliances/systems will be delivered and installed according to the accepted parameters. The environmental benefits of the project will be expressed in the amount of PM10 emissions saved. The socio-economic benefits of the project are related to improving the health and quality of life of the residents of the municipality will increase public awareness on issues related to air quality.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 13 Dec, 2021
End date 13 May, 2024
Contract date 13 Dec, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 8,387,770.94
Grant 8,387,770.94
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 180,573.31
EU participation percent 85.0%
