According to the PM-10 indicator Burgas Municipality is one of the 25 municipalities in Bulgaria with deteriorated air quality, on whose territory monitoring points are located, the data from which are reported annually to the EEA and the EC, in accordance with the requirements of Directive 2008/50 / EC. These are subject of criminal procedure under Violation No. 210/2109 for non-compliance with the standards for the content of Fine Dust Particles (PM-10) in the ambient air. Burgas Municipality currently implements the Programme for Air Quality Improvement for the period 2016-2020, adopted by the Burgas Municipal Council with a decision under item 9 of Protocol No. 9 of 29.03.2016. The program and its Action Plan expire in 2020. The analysis of the municipal Programme for Air Quality Improvement 2016 – 2020, as well as data from the constant monitoring show that part of the population of the municipality has been periodically exposed only to excessive PM10 emissions. Thence pollution with PM10 is a major problem for the city of Burgas. The area, affected by excessive pollution with PM10 in 2014 is 5.4 km2 while population exposed to the excessive levels of PM10 for 2014 was estimated to 116 161 people. Number of exceedances for 2017 for AMS “Dolno Ezerovo” is 116; Meden Rudnik-7; RAEW-29. The development of a Programme for Air Quality Improvement in Burgas Municipality is carried out in compliance with: • Art. 27, Para 1 of the Air Quality Act; • Art. 31 and Art. 32 of Ordinance No. 7 of May 3, 1999 on assessment and management of air quality; • Art. 37 and Art. 38 of Ordinance No. 12 of 15.07.2010 (in accordance with Annex 15 to the Ordinance); • Order N RD-969 / 21.12.2013 of the Minister of Environment and Water for approval of the list of the areas for assessment and management of the CAB. The main activities are the development of the Program, project management and information and communication activities.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 20 Jun, 2020 |
End date | 20 Aug, 2022 |
Contract date | 05 Jun, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 99,970.00 |
Grant | 99,970.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 44,543.36 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |