Technical assistance for the implementation of measures to improve air quality

In pursuance of activity 8 of the Strategic Plan for Technical Assistance of OP -"Environment" 2014-2020, budget line will provide support for: 1. Development of a National air pollution control Programme for air quality and National Programme to reduce total annual emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, particulate matter and ammonia into the air through which to improve air quality and be those achieved goals on emissions of harmful substances into the air in the package of EU policies on clean air. These activities are provided in the Agreement with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Tasks 4 and 5 will be achieved in conjunction with action Determination of baseline and target values ​​of the result indicators, based on an Action Plan for Priority Axis 5 - Improvement of the ambient air quality to General ex-ante conditionality № 7 as follows: • Defining the scope of the measures relating to the establishment of base year and calculation of baseline value (including the collection of information related to the quantity of emissions from pollution sources to which will be directed measures). • Determination of baseline and target value of the result indicators under Priority Axis 5 -Improvement of the ambient air quality of the Operational Programme - Environment 2014-2020. 2. Research and analysis of a wider range of options for the implementation of financial instruments under Priority Axis 5 - Improvement of the ambient air quality and update the assessment of the implementation of financial instruments and other priority axes.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Nov, 2016
End date 06 Mar, 2020
Contract date 01 Nov, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 4,502,495.24
Grant 4,502,495.24
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 3,624,285.70
EU participation percent 85.0%
