Implementation of innovation and enhancing the competitiveness of Mars Armor Ltd.

"MARS Armor" Ltd. is a leading manufacturer in Bulgaria of high quality body armor for the needs of the army, police, security companies and banks, and for the civilian sector - hunting groups, extreme sports, shooting and more. With this project we aim at further growth and expansion of business and market development seriously, as we plan the implementation of innovation own development company. The implementation will satisfy these needs now: - Implementation of an entirely new technology to improve the manufacturing process - invest in machine prepregs, which will be produced entirely innovative product, namely composites based on aramid fibers, glass fibers and carbon fibers impregnated with thermoplastic or phenolic resins. - Increased production capacity and increase market presence in the international market - marketing of our innovative product will attract new potential customers. - Implementation of eco-inovation- will reduce marriage to a technological minimum will reduce the amount of production waste. - Diversification of the range of end products, which are made of coated textile materials such as include manufacturing products that encourage the development of extreme tourism and sport - tents, tents, tents for specialized equipment and appliances, and others; The expected results are mainly related to the successful implementation of our innovative product, as well as its subsequent successful marketing. There is to be implemented only activity Element A "Investments", namely "Purchase of machine pre-impregnated material" needed for the introduction of innovative products.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Jan, 2017
End date 02 Nov, 2018
Contract date 18 Jan, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 2,850,000.00
Grant 997,500.00
Self finance 1,852,500.00
Total paid 997,360.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
