All planed activities in the project intend implementation and market realization of new for Bulgaria and the world innovative products for protection of group documents or securities that consist of 2, 3 or n linked elements (visa glued to passport page, document with tax mark and others), by means of laser perforation of encrypted mark, based on owned patent and including several innovative solutions. The project is based on owned patent and patent pending application and its implementation will be world innovation. Main part of the project is developing by contracted company specialized software that will provide operation of the laser equipment for marking of the group document and production of samples and short series of documents. Additionally purchase of main equipment is intended, for the production of short series of group documents (samples), and small orders for local market. The project includes activities “services” as market research that will provide different market niches for implementing the innovative product and consultancy and legal services, related to protection of intellectual property, that will ensure sustainability of the project results by patent protection of the innovation. The result of the project implementation is that “KEIT” LTD will be able to propose to Bulgarian and world market the following innovative products and services: - complete solution for protection of the defined types of documents, based on specialized software (machine with laser module, specialized software and license) - Laser module, specialized software and license, for implementation into existing automatic machines for protection of documents - Specialized software and license for up-grade of existing manual and automatic machines for protection of documents that already have laser module. - Laying protection of small and middle series of documents as a service
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 27 Nov, 2018 |
End date | 10 Feb, 2020 |
Contract date | 27 Nov, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 537,300.00 |
Grant | 483,570.00 |
Self finance | 53,730.00 |
Total paid | 478,953.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |