Browswave DYNAMIC

The team of Browswave Ltd., in partnership with a scientific organization, has developed „Browswave DYNAMIC“ - an innovative service for intelligent dynamic management of prices and features for online stores. The innovative service falls entirely within the scope of priority axis for the Northwest region of the thematic area "New technologies in creative and recreational industries" of the Innovation Strategy for smart specialization, as the project will directly lead to marketing a service "computing and mobile applications games with educational, marketing and / or entertainment" in particular - computer applications with marketing character. The implementation of this project will enhance the innovative capacity of the company and its competitiveness and boost marketing of innovative services. In this regard, the project envisages the realization of the following activities: 1. Acquisition of new equipment required for the commercialization of innovative products; 2. Acquisition / development of specialized software required for the introduction of innovative products; 3. Consulting and support services in support of innovation. Activities will be implemented through the purchase and deployment of fixed assets and the provision of specialized support services in support of innovation, the expected results are marketing of innovative service to global / European market.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Jan, 2017
End date 08 Dec, 2017
Contract date 18 Jan, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 868,500.00
Grant 781,316.00
Self finance 87,184.00
Total paid 781,316.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
