Implementation of an innovative software process for offering innovative elastic cloud-based hosting services

The current project proposal is aimed at the implementation of a world-wide-level innovative software process in the production activities of the applicant, which process is based on innovative software developed by the applicant itself. The innovative software process has been protected by copyright under art. 14 of the Law for copyright protection in Bulgaria. The innovative software process is related with the automatic balancing of data saved on servers and optimization of the disk space during server management. Based on the innovative process will be offered an innovative elastic cloud-based service. The innovation, subject of the current project proposal, falls under thematic area "Informatics and ICT", part of the Innovation strategy for intelligent specialization 2014-2020, and more precisely priority strand "Big Data, Grid and Cloud Technologies". The process is based on server systems, connected in a peculiar way, which the candidate does not currently own and which acquisition will allow the implementation of the innovative process. After the implementation of the project, the following equipment will be bought, delivered, installed and commissioned: Server system type 1 - 1 piece; Server system type 2 - 1 piece and Server system type 3 - 4 pieces, all of which will be located in Sofia. Based on this equipment, the innovative process, based on the innovative software, will be successfully implemented and as a result the applicant will start offering a new service to customers from around the world, i.e. elastic cloud-base hosting.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 07 Jul, 2017
End date 02 May, 2018
Contract date 07 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 454,122.00
Grant 408,709.80
Self finance 45,412.20
Total paid 408,600.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
