The project proposal aims at implementation in the production of Rosaimpex Ltd of an innovative product - a cosmetic emulsion which regardless of the temperature conditions is perceived by the skin in the same way and is equally well tolerated by different skin types. The innovative cosmetic emulsion is a novelty in the World/European market. For that innovation Rosaimpex Ltd has a certificate of registration of a utility model of Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria. The innovative product is own company's work created in the Research and Development laboratories of Rosaimpex Ltd. The project is implemented in the thematic area of ISIS: Industries for healthy life and biotechnology. This project proposal envisages implementation of the following activities: - Acquisition of new equipment needed for the implementation in the company's production of innovative products through the purchase of laboratory and technological equipment. - Use of advisory and assistance services in support of innovation (the activity will be carried out through the payment and receipt of market research in order to develop more efficient products and consulting services and support in the use of standards and the rules governing them). The expected results of realization of this project are: - Increasing the innovation activities of the company - Expansion of production - Expansion of market positions - Achieving savings in the cost of raw materials - Improved product quality - Increasing the financial results of the company - Establishment of a more efficient and responsible use of natural resources
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 18 Jan, 2017 |
End date | 16 Jan, 2019 |
Contract date | 18 Jan, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 599,841.60 |
Grant | 383,520.80 |
Self finance | 216,320.80 |
Total paid | 375,877.99 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |