Implementation of innovations in "SV - NET " EOOD

The project proposal aims to increase innovation activity of "SV-NET" EOOD in the areas of smart specialization, referred to in ISSS and especially is aimed at implementing in the enterprise and marketing of innovative product (service) - "Remote computer (laptop) support and communication with other smart devices, "using a "Smart device for remote access with wireless module" within the scope of priority axis "Intelligent systems and devices, "smart homes"-" smart cities"of the thematic area"Mechatronics and clean technologies" from the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (ISSS) and represents a World / European market innovation superior to any alternative solutions. The innovation, which now seeking funding is own development of the candidate and as a result of R and D in the company, it is based on "Intelligent computer management system and its communication with smart TV, tablet and smartphone as elements of a smart home" for which an application for registration of a utility model is submitted. The project will be implemented in the existing business establishment in the town of Montana (Northwestern Region). The project proposal includes the following two activities: Purchase of new equipment necessary for the introduction of the innovative product and prurchse / development of a specialized software needed to implement the innovative product, as purchase costs for tangible and intangible assets are envisaged under Element A "Investments" in regime "Regional investment aid under Art. 13 and Art. 14 of Commission Regulation (EU) 651/2014" and they are related to the diversification of the output of the establishment into new additional products. The main expected outcome of the project implementation results in a new for the company innovative product, which will lead to the increased innovation capacity and competitiveness of the applicant.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Jan, 2017
End date 25 Oct, 2018
Contract date 18 Jan, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 937,000.00
Grant 655,900.00
Self finance 281,100.00
Total paid 655,900.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
