Enhancing the innovation capacity and competitiveness of USM JSC through the introduction of innovative process to produce road signs

USM is a company with a long history, founded in the 70s in Stara Zagora. At the moment it is part of the CX TRACE GROUP. Over the years, the company is one of the largest companies operating heavy machinery, has branches in Dimitrovgrad and Radnevo, carried much of the works, both in the region and throughout southern Bulgaria. USM has always been highly competitive enterprise and to continue to be such its management identified the need to diversify its business as the effort was aimed at developing an innovative approach to making road signs. The developed concept of the company is innovative not only for the Bulgarian market but also in the world. The innovative process is related to a new method of assembling mechatronic units (machines) for printing, laminating, cutting amp; application of road signs, which is not used in the national and global market, which is a prerequisite for the successful marketing of the final product, guaranteeing • good quality parameters are not available at the time the proposed road signs. Since this is a new direction in the activity of USM, the company does not have the necessary equipment to carry out innovative idea. Given that planned activities are almost entirely invest- acquisition of assets necessary for the implementation of innovation. To summarize the benefits of the proposed implementation project should be noted that through its implementation provides competitiveness of USM to increase significantly as a result of diversifitsikatsiya activity and significantly increase volume of production and revenue growth as well as growth export potential of the enterprise. The project is directed to the field of mechatronics and clean technologies to work from ISIS and in particular cover priority napravlenie- clean technologies with a focus on transport and Instrument incl. parts, components and systems with emphasis on transport.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 18 Jan, 2017
End date 18 Jul, 2018
Contract date 18 Jan, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,387,444.00
Grant 701,322.00
Self finance 686,122.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
