Implementation of new method process for developing an ergonomic splint for immobilizing broken limb

With the present project proposal DA TRANS Ltd. aims to develop and implement new method process for making an ergonomic splint for immobilize limb, falling into category "production / process innovation," protected by utility model № BG2160U1 with focus on health sector, traumatology and orthopedics; Project purpose is about creation of automated system for producing incapacitating ergonomic splint, including capturing device for generating three-dimensional virtual model corresponding completely with the surface of the broken limb without using marks, on the basis of which, the doctor - orthopedist can provide 3D model printed graphic / ergonomic splint with fractal design with minimum weight with optimal mechanical properties such as high strength and resistance to bending, twisting and stretching; Innovative method was developed jointly by the candidate DA TRANS Ltd. with the Medical University of Varna, it is a novelty in the global and European market outperforms all available alternatives at the moment and fall within the thematic areas of ISIS: industry for healthy living and biotechnology manufacturing tools equipment, consumable medical and dental diagnostics and therapy, as well as personalized medicine, diagnostics and individual therapy, medical and pharmaceutical forms and means. Pinned directly and the main goal of the Innovation Strategy for smart specialization economic development, research and innovation, and strengthening the link between science and business; Implementation and marketing innovation meets science with business and responds directly to market needs / see attached letter of intent from University Hospital "Sofiamed", SHATO Orthopedics "Prof.. B. Boychev and MC Dimet Ltd., Plovdiv /; With the implementation of the project DA TRANS Ltd. will increase the competitiveness, will expand innovation, will increase the market share of national, global and European level;

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Jan, 2017
End date 05 Apr, 2018
Contract date 18 Jan, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,322,000.00
Grant 980,600.00
Self finance 341,400.00
Total paid 970,655.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
