The project aims at putting into use a product innovation globally, creating market advantages for the candidate and thereby increasing its competitiveness and market performance. The project creates conditions for Smart Home platform marketing, which is own invention of the company CSD and is a superior alternative to the solutions on the world market by its significant improvements in terms of technical and functional characteristics as well as introduction of new ones. The company owns the copyright on the platform whose source code is ready and is in the stage of beta testing. The product innovation can be offered on the market as a service (Software as a Service - SaaS), allowing cost-effective, easy and rapid creation of a system for smart management of homes and buildings, as well as a locally installed solution for companies with large volumes of data requiring data to stay in their network. The innovativeness of the platform consists of the following key features: ability to store and process unlimited amounts of data; a Machine Learning System for data analyzes; training and self-study capacities and independent decision making; ability to work with different end devices. The system provides opportunity to comply with the European Commission standards for smart home applications - Smart Appliances REFerence ontology, whereas the application of the standard leads to additional resource efficiency. In terms of its usage, the innovation falls within the subject area of the Strategy for Smart Specialization: Mechatronics and Pure Technologies: Intelligent Systems: Smart homes, and, in addition to this it also belongs to the ICT and Informatics field: Big Data, Grid and Cloud Technologies, Web Applications. For the purpose of the innovative product’s marketing implementation the candidate will establish a Data Control Center in the town of Pleven, equipped with a set of fixed tangible and intangible assets – a technology cluster and specialized software.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 07 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 26 Feb, 2019 |
Contract date | 07 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 385,196.00 |
Grant | 346,676.40 |
Self finance | 38,519.60 |
Total paid | 340,874.33 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |