The main area of activity of the company is design, manufacture and construction of facilities for the production of bioenergy, production and trade with industrial, agricultural, food and household goods, export, import and re-export. The present project concerns and aims introduction of product innovation- commissioning a new and significantly improved product - an innovative system for exergetic storing of electric energy that creates market advantages and will increase the competitiveness of the company both on the national and European / world market. The innovation-object of introduction under the project, falls within the priority areas "Mechanical and Instrument Engineering, incl. parts, components and systems, focusing on the transport and energy" and "clean technologies with a focus on the transport and energy" of thematic area "Mechatronics and clean technologies" of ISIS. The project will be realized by implementing the following set of activities under element A "Investments" and Element B "Services" of the present procedure for granting financial aid: 1) Acquisition of new equipment required for the introduction in the manufacture of the innovative product and 2) Support services in support of the innovations - providing market research aiming to develop more efficient product that will contribute to the successful marketing realization of the implemented under the project innovation. By the focused under the procedure support the innovation activity of "Base Energy" EOOD in thematic area "Mechatronics and clean technologies" of ISIS will enhance, as the project activities and the expected results will contribute to the increase of the competitiveness and the sustainable development of the company. The project falls within the following priorities of the present procedure - Regional specialization according to ISIS and support for eco-innovations.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 07 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 12 Apr, 2019 |
Contract date | 07 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 452,356.00 |
Grant | 407,120.40 |
Self finance | 45,235.60 |
Total paid | 406,665.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |