Pam Medica EOOD is a company producing medical products and food supplements. The efforts of its management are oriented towards continuous expansion of its innovative capacity and competitiveness of its products. The aim of the project is to implement in production and realise on the market the innovative phyto – pharmaceutical preparations Cholo Pam Plus (sachets, capsules and tinctures) for treatment of gall bladder and gall duct dyskinesia, gall stone disease and liver diseases, developed and registered by Pam Medica EOOD, utility model №2125 from 02.11.2015 “Phytotherapy formulae”. The proposed non surgical method for treatment of gall stone disease and the new series preparations are an innovation for Bulgaria and the world and this is recognised with international awards. The implemented innovation is product based. The project is in priority stream: “personal medicine, diagnosis and individual therapy, medical and medicinal forms and resources” of thematic field “Industry for healthy lifestyle and balneotherapy” of the Innovative Strategy for inteligent specialisation. The preparations will find practical application in the treatment of gall bladder and gall duct dyskinesia, gall stone disease and liver diseases. The project plans investments in tangible assets, necessary for production of the products of the innovative series Cholo Pam Plus and investment in supporting services. The realisation of the series Cholo Pam Plus will have medical, social and economical impact and effect. The implementation of the project will drive consumer demand for the innovative preparations of the series Cholo Pam Plus. Thus, the increased variety of products offered and increased patient satisfaction will boost the number of patients and net sales revenues. The successful implementation of the activities envisaged in the plan will increase the innovation capacity and competitiveness of Pam Medica EOOD.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 07 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 10 Jun, 2019 |
Contract date | 07 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 399,306.00 |
Grant | 359,375.40 |
Self finance | 39,930.60 |
Total paid | 216,156.38 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |