Introduction of an innovative service by Internet Corporated Networks EOOD

The project proposal is aimed at the introduction and marketing implementation of an innovative product: the service "Appmart", which is new to the international/European market, and falls within the thematic area ​​ICT and Informatics, priority axis Big Data, Grid and Cloud Technologies, of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization. The innovation is developed by the candidate and is a result of the company's Research and Development activities. "Appmart" is based on the model of a System for automated delivery, deployment and scaling of software applications, for which the candidate has filed an application for a Certificate of a utility model. Moreover, the project proposal falls within the priority thematic areas of ISIS for the region, since the realization of the activities is both in the thematic area ​​ICT and Informatics and the project activities will be executed in the Southwest Region of planning. The project proposal includes the following activities: Acquisition of new equipment, necessary for the implementation of the innovative service and Acquisition/development of specialized software for the implementation of the innovative service. The expenditures included in Element A "Investments" are under the state aid regulation "de minimis". The realization of the project will be carried out at two existing business sites of the company: an administrative office, situated on Simenovsko shose 33, fl. 1, Sofia with an area of 450 sq.m. and at a Technological Data Center, located on Ovche pole str. 122, Sofia. Furthermore, the project is technically fully executable and will contribute to the Horizontal priorities of Sustainable development and Equal opportunities. The proposal also includes the provision for the implementation of an eco-innovation.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 07 Jul, 2017
End date 21 Sep, 2018
Contract date 07 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 418,380.00
Grant 376,542.00
Self finance 41,838.00
Total paid 376,542.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

