„Investments for implementation in a production of an innovative solution for dosing and mixing of lubricants, in mobile and stationary version”

With the implementation of this project PRISTA OIL plans to implement in their production process entirely new, innovative inherently integrated dosing and mixing of lubricants, with an option for use in stationary and mobile version. The system is an alternative to conventional mechanical mixing oil in stirrers, at its base is enshrined useful model of mobile installation for the production of lubricants, owned by PRISTA OIL, combined with a system of cavitation columns providing cold mixing (without heating during the process). In the new system is a fully automated process, both in terms of dosing, and in terms of the "cavitation mixing". Commercialization of innovative integrated system requires specialized equipment, which technically and functionally appropriate to its feasibility. The equipment which PRISTA OIL has now adapted to the company used the conventional method are mixing, which use mechanical stirrers. This makes it incompatible with the new integrated and fully automated system, subject to implementation of the project. For this reason, the project foresees the implementation of activities related to the purchase, delivery, installation and putting into operation of specialized equipment including a system of cavitation columns CCBL with computer aided process control and automatic dosing of components smazoyani oils, with the possibility of integration with cavitation columns. Ultimately, the project will improve the competitiveness of PRISTA OIL by expanding production capacity, improve the quality of products manufactured by the company lubricants mazla and improve resource efficiency. Will increase sales revenue, both national and international markets and will improve the market position of the company.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Jan, 2017
End date 09 Nov, 2018
Contract date 18 Jan, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 2,410,000.00
Grant 1,205,000.00
Self finance 1,205,000.00
Total paid 1,204,998.53
EU participation percent 85.0%
