The overall objective of this project is to introduce worldwide innovative service with high added value in Telelink Business Services EAD in order to increase it competitiveness on the Bulgarian, European and world markets. The specific objectives of the project proposal are: -Equipment of the workplaces for provision of the services -Providing necessary hardware and software base for the introduction of innovative service -To train the experts for the provision of the services -To increase the market share of Telelink on the national and foreign markets, as a result of the introduction of a highly innovative service -To increase the revenue and the volume of services provided to foreign customers. In the framework of the project tender procedures will be implemented for selecting the providers of services and assets; the necessary equipment, hardware and software will be purchased and deployed; market research will be implemented; the employees will be trained in the new service and standards and the new center for information security management will be launched.. This project proposal meets the objective of this procedure, namely providing focused support of the Bulgarian company to enhance its innovation activity in one of the identified priority thematic areas of ISIS for the South West region - "ICT and Informatics".
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 18 Jan, 2017 |
End date | 21 Nov, 2018 |
Contract date | 18 Jan, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 415,420.51 |
Grant | 373,878.46 |
Self finance | 41,542.05 |
Total paid | 372,789.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |